Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Yangstze Steamer Wu Chang


  1. Hi David,

    Can I please have permission to use your image of the Wu Chang on my own site. I have already done so, so yes this is somewhat retrospectively sought. My grandad was in the RASC and escaped via 'Coastal 2', HMS Danae and then finally the remarkable Wu Chang. This picture is the only one I've ever come across. Interestingly I have a hand drawn illustration that proves that they are one and the same. Would love to make contact with you as I'm trying to learn more about my grandfathers time.

    You can read his manuscript at www.fromaruralbackground.com.


  2. Are you still interested in Wu-Chang? If so contact me, I may be able to give you some interesting info. Charles

  3. Hello, i read a back issue of The Scots magazine with an article about the life of James W. Anderson. It told part of a story about the fall of Singapore. I would like to know what happened next? and did he ever find out what happened to the RAF guy who was left behind in hospital? Also if his story has been made into a book i can buy? Look forward to your reply.

  4. I understand from the records of the late Arnold Hague who kept a Convoy Database (accessed through National Museum Singapore) that Convoy NB.1 sailed from Singapore on 28 January 1942 and dispersed on 31 January 1942: Darvel, Ipoh and Pangkor carried military personnel bound for Palembang, but seemed to end up in Batavia; Cap St Jacques, Ekma, Islami and Rohna carried civilian evacuees.
