Saturday, 1 September 2012

Search for news reel footage

Carol Morgan writes 

I came across your website today.  My mother and sisters were evacuated from Singapore in early 1942, and  I remember seeing film of them coming down the gangplank at Southampton? on the UK programme "All Our Yesterdays" which showed 25-year-old newsreel week by week, so that would have been in 1967.  I have been unable to obtain a copy of this film, and it would be a big help in trying to trace it if you had details of the names of the evacuation ships at Singapore, and where they went, or where I might get this information.
 My father was evacuated on a different ship which was torpedoed or bombed, probably on the 13th February - he swam to the shore and eventually ended up in India.


  1. hello,
    Was your father G. Morgan, a senior executive of the PWD in Johore Bahru - if so he was on the "SS. Kuala" sunk at Pom Pong island.

    I have completed quite detailed research on this ship and reconstructed the non existent passenger list and would be happy to copy my research information and some other photos etc.information to you if interested.


    Michael Pether
    New Zealand.

  2. A Mrs Alice Morgan was evacuated, aged 39, with daughters Patricia & Barbara, aged 9 & 4, to South Africa then on the John van Oldenbarnveldt to Liverpool UK, arriving 24.2.42. From there they went to Abergavenny.
    Which ship from Singapore?
    Was this your mother & sisters?
